Welcome to Creative Abundance

Thank you for joining me here. This blog is a story of transformation. There are many things that I would like to share, some may even resonate. Please do not hesitate to share here as well.
Enjoy your visit.
Wishing you peace, love & lots of joy...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

New Beginnings

Wow. I can't believe that it's been so long since I've returned here. There have so many changes in my life that have left me breathless. Just to catch up a bit, I have moved across the country to the Southwest with the love of my life. We now live in a very special town where you know your neighbors, there are no tall buildings or major department stores and you can buy organic eggs from the mechanic at the local auto repair shop. I now need to plan an hour for a 15 minute trip to the grocery because everyone is so friendly and I always run into a new conversation.

I have been blessed with wonderful new lady friends, actually they are more like sisters. We are all of like minds. Instant connections and lots of smiling.

I am finally home. Content, happy with much inner peace.

This is going to be a new blog. One that reflects my journey as well as introduces and talks about many different things. I hope that some of this resonates with you. Let me know what you think.

Wishing you peace, love and much joy.

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