Welcome to Creative Abundance

Thank you for joining me here. This blog is a story of transformation. There are many things that I would like to share, some may even resonate. Please do not hesitate to share here as well.
Enjoy your visit.
Wishing you peace, love & lots of joy...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Almost Up

As you can see there are now links to our website and etsy shop. (Thanks Cheryl!!!) Cheryl's art is there currently as I am joining her existing sites and mine will be added by Monday. I am really excited about this.
My daughter is doing the AIDS walk in New York in a couple of weeks. She has her own team with quite a few people. I created a design for the shirts that they will be wearing. I will post a photo of the team wearing them which will be much more fun than posting the actual design. So Brad, and I know that you are reading this, I do want pics. Love you. But seriously I am extremely flattered that they like my design. Of course, not solely because this is a cause near and dear to our family, but those of you who would like to contribute or sponsor a walker or even walk yourself, please leave a comment and I will respond and get the info to you. Thank you in advance.
It's late right so so I hope that this is a somewhat literate post. We are having a huge yard sale at the Unitarian Fellowship to raise money for outreach programs, the battered woman's shelter and the animal shelter. It is a major event and I have been trying to help as much as I possibly can.
I really hope that this post does not sound like multiple advertisements. It is not meant to. Those of you who know my family know that we are still trying to save the world. We just have to scale down a bit.
Full moon tomorrow. Enjoy.
Wishing you peace, love and much joy...

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